#CrisisProvesCharacter: Has crisis rocked your faith or reaffirmed it? (DAY 4/30)
On April 29, Lite House Whole Food Grill was robbed by some of the customers that frequented the establishment for several months. I’ve watched the messages posted by the owner, Rico Nance about his uncertainty about reopening following the traumatic event. I’m glad he and his staff decided to remain open. My family and I have patronized the restaurant on occasion not only because of the great food but also, my wife and I attended high school with Rico and his brother. Rico and I played basketball and track together at Rich Central. We high jumpers and even as the upperclassman, he celebrated and encouraged everyone. The charitable spirit and energy that everyone sees from Rico, is the same vibe you got from him 20 years ago. He’s always had a big heart and I’m so proud to see the faith walk that he exhibits. My former pastor, Dr. Apostle Marshall Davis would say, “God put you here to be a blessing to someone else” and Rico is just walking in his purpose. You can learn more about Eric’s story here.