#CrisisProvesCharacter: Has crisis exposed your deepest fear?
Being able to recognize what impact that your crisis is having on your quality world is crucial to you regaining control of your life. Reality therapy teaches that while we cannot control how we feel, we can control how we think and behave. Things that help me improve my way of thinking was to write things down. Take a look at the basic needs of reality therapy and try to identify the source of your fear. Is it the lack of income because your unemployed or underemployed? Are disconnected from a loved one? Is COVID-19 hampering your ability to move around the world? After that, decide what you can control, go get it with everything you got!
1) Power, or a sense of self-worth and achievement.
2) Love and belonging, or being part of a family or community of loved ones.
3) Freedom, or independence.
4) Fun, which includes a sense of satisfaction or pleasure.
5) Survival, or the comfort of knowing that one’s basic needs—food, shelter, and sex—are met.