#CrisisProvesCharacter: Does a crisis have you second-guessing your purpose? Has a crisis got you shook? (DAY 3/30)
Coming off a terrible family loss in 2015 and being under-employed had me flat on my back. Early 2016 would deliver the deathblow, though God would later reveal that the setback was merely a setup for something greater. I was beyond lost in the storm and didn’t even realize it. As life knocked the wind out of me, I began to reflect on how I wound up there in the first place. Prior to 2015, so I thought I had life by the brass with all of my next moves well planned out with surgical precision. After that, I spent a few more years, analyzing my horrible decisions as I mentally replayed each bad shot and bad pass to the point of intoxication. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks! I wasn’t living for the right things. Even with all the early success in life, beyond my increased social-capital, I didn’t truly understand “why” I was doing any of it. Now, I could attempt to lay blame on a trail of unequal starts from my humble beginnings but the truth of the matter is, I wasn’t holding myself accountable. Though I’m not completely out of the woods, today I can confidently look forward with a clear understanding that the best is yet to come and the world hasn’t heard the last of me.