#CrisisProvesCharacter: Did crisis try to crush your spirit?
When I set out to post daily for 30 days, I thought it would be a cakewalk since I have basically been working remotely from home, and with 1,440 minutes in a day, I just knew I was going to crush this! Well, that’s what I thought… Thomas KR Stovall, a friend of 20+ years and business coach, said that “consistency is one of the HARDEST disciplines to master” as I tell myself, “you are the MASTER!” However, literally 105,120 minutes or 73 days later, the end is finally in sight. Identifying a crisis was the easy part but then finding the words to convey how crisis proves character was not. When I missed the first day, I felt pretty bad about it but then I missed the second day, I thought to myself, nobody is really reading them anyway… With Thomas providing ground support and my wife Tiffany with moral support, I knew I needed to finish what I started. Along this journey, I have come across some amazing people and I have even cried after learning about some of their stories. Once this personal goal is complete, I will continue to seek out individuals that defy the odds, lean into tragedy, and embrace opening new doors because we are all here to be a blessing to someone else. If you have missed one of the daily dose, you can find them here at http://www.crisisprovescharacter.com/daily-dose-blog/