Daily Dose #24

#CrisisProvesCharacter: Did crisis try to crumble your cookie?

It definitely goes without saying that 2020 is going to be a year to remember. Like generations before us would talk about the Great Depression, Vietnam, or the Civil Rights movement. The COVID-19 pandemic has been life-changing and has tested the resolve in most of us. Monica Olds has had her fair share of bumps in the road but she was determined not to be another casualty of this pandemic. “When COVID-19 hit I initially decided I was going to sit it out and not cook til it was over. I had plans and goals that I thought would be deferred and put on hold til next year. But God!!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾 He had different plans for me and created a demand for my plates like I’ve never seen before.” Monica started her business and now is a licensed and insured caterer of Cookie’s Eats. You can learn more about Monica and check out her Father’s Day menu at https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3158358240889510&set=pb.100001460964191.-2207520000..&type=3&theater.