#CrisisProvesCharacter: Did crisis forward your mission?
Some people are just wired to always be forward-thinking and solution-focused. Founder and Chief Solutionist, Christyn Freemon of Project Forward is no exception. “My voice has gotten louder around my personal and professional boundaries.” The COVID-19 pandemic not only provided her the long-awaited opportunity to homeschool, but she also scored her biggest contract to date to create and oversee a Paycheck Protection Program Pop Call Center and COVID-19 Resource Guide for the Chicago Community Loan Fund. Christyn’s passion is fueled by those small businesses she serves, in a city that she loves. “I’ve donated time, talents and treasure to organizations, my business model is anchored on building up Black business and the commercial spaces they occupy, so we can have something pretty to look at while we spend our money.” She is dedicated to her craft and is prepared to move forward because as she puts it “I’ve integrated workforce strategies and responses into economic and community development, pushing for sustainability beyond the heightened moments of emotion.” You can learn more about Christyn Freemon and her story at https://yourprojectforward.com.