#CrisisProvesCharacter: Did crisis fine-tune your hearing?
In the era of social media, there are plenty of influencers, thought-leaders, and inspirational speakers you could follow that offer up some pearls of wisdom, wit, and humor for you to grow on. Alfred A. Edmond Jr., is a living legend and self-proclaimed #TheSuccesspert, is in a class all to himself. Whatever the platform, podcast, or in person, he’ll have you jotting notes. MANY YEARS AGO, I can’t even tell you how I stumbled upon his Twitter gems under the hashtag #AGrownManKnows… Fast forward to 2013, I had the pleasure of meeting Alfred in person at one of his #GrownZone events hosted at the Welcome Inn Manor Bed and Breakfast in Chicago’s historic Bronzeville community. His unique perspective can be very enlightening for one’s life experiences. Whether talking about fear, finance, or fitness, Alfred reminds us to “use that energy and take your shot.” Lastly, he is so down to earth that you would never know that he is the Senior VP & Executive Editor-at-large of Black Enterprise Magazine, bodybuilder, and much much more. With inspiring quotations for any situation you might be going through as an entrepreneur or for that matter, just life, Alfred will definitely help get you to the other side. You can learn more about Alfred Edmonds, Jr., and his story at https://www.thehistorymakers.org/biography/alfred-edmond-jr and https://www.thesharkgroup.com/speaking/alfred-edmond-jr/.