Daily Dose #12

#CrisisProvesCharacter: Has crisis affirmed your faith? (DAY 12/30)

There are moments in life that will completely knock you off feet and as you look up towards the sky, a sense of calm rushes over you. In the bible verse, Psalm 46:10, God tells us “Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth.” In the midst of a storm, it’s wise just to stay put and allow it to pass because the sun will shine another day. Jake Larson is a friend of mine from Iowa State University, that I’ve known for more than 20 years. On February 14, 2020, Jake’s wife, Courtney 42, died from an aggressive brain tumor glioblastoma multiform. She was the mother of two young daughters ages 2 and 5. Courtney was just diagnosed three weeks prior on January 27 and Jake had to prepare for life without his better half.

This would be crushing news to anyone else, but not for Jake, he found strength and comfort in his faith and trust in God. I recently spoke with him to express my sympathy and to let him know that he’d been on my mind since I started this series. During our call, Jake talked about life with Courtney and their future plans for a trip abroad. As I listened to him, I could feel his faith and see with so much clarity, his positive outlook on life. Jake has always been a very cheery guy and the only thing that has changed about him is that he has found his purpose. You can learn more about Jake and his story at https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-courtney-fight-a-brain-tumor.

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